Sunday, January 24, 2010


16 years ago I had RK eye surgery and I then enjoyed 20/20 vision. Well over the last few years my vision has deteriorated so on Tuesday I had PRK, which is lasik for those that have previously had RK. It is a bit different from regular lasik in that your vision is not immediately improved, it is painful and there is more recovery time. Despite these drawbacks I decided to go ahead with the surgery but what I wasn't prepared for is the hair-pulling boredom. I got through the first 3 days by sleeping but on Friday I felt much better only to discover that there just isn't much you can do when you can't see. I couldn't read, sew or even watch much tv ( as if there was something to watch). Today I did manage to cut out a blouse and do some simple sewing which I think turned out okay. I'll know for sure when my vision returns. The whole experience has been a reminder about the incredible workings of this body God created and how thankful I am to enjoy good health. Next month I will have the other eye done and will be prepared with books on cd and maybe a couple of movies to bide the time. Tomorrow, day 7 I can wear makeup again and Jim will be thankful.


Little Hunting Creek said...

I hope you feel better soon

gwensews said...

Our eyes are so terribly important. Wishing you the best recovery.

gwensews said...

BTW, I see that you're in Missouri. I was born and lived in Missouri for 14 years. I lived in the southeast "Bootheel", just across the border from Arkansas. My grandparents had a cotton farm in Bragg City. I was born in Kennett.