Thursday, March 20, 2008


Oh! how I wish you had been with me when I stumbled onto this oh so cute tea room in Salado, TX. I immediately thought about you when I saw it. It is decorated in black and white with vintage hats on every table and LBD's and more hats on the wall. I have no idea what the food is like, we didn't eat there, just ooohed and aaahed and took pictures. Thanks to you I now carry my camera everywhere. I fear one day I may get arrested for taking pictures in a resticted area.

1 comment:

Kate said...

A LOT of Texas tea houses decorate with hats. Isn't it funny how people associate tea with hats and almost nothing else? You'd think with all that hot sun in Texas they'd wear them all day every day.

Glad to hear from you. Was worried about the Missouri flooding and my email to you bounced!

Thanks for thinking of me. Hats rule!

Kate Q:-)